Business Summary

Min Project Size: 
avg Hourly Rate: 
$150 - $199 / hr

About Convuent

Reviews and mentions of your business have a bigger impact now than ever before. People use reviews every day to decide which businesses and services to use. We help your business stand out with a set of tools designed to get you more customer reviews, showcase the outstanding ones you already have and reduce the impact of any negative reviews that may already be on the web. Some of our Services include:Online Reputation ManagementGenerating Positive Feedback From Your Happy Customers via email and SMSMonitoring Your 3rd Party Online Reviews from sites like Facebook, Google, and YelpSystematic Approach to Manage and Respond to Negative Customer FeedbackPromoting Your Positive Customer Feedback onlineListing Distribution & Management Increase VisibilityRank Higher in organic and local search resultsMaintain Ownership of All Business ListingsTrack Local PerformanceREAD MORE...

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